Medication Evaluations


  • You can request NEW medications or REFILLS of your current medications in our program.
  • You will be required (by your ins co) to pay any copays or deductibles used by your insurance plan 
  • Otherwise, your insurance plan benefits will be applied toward all other costs but NOTE that there is no guarantee of coverage and these additional expenses would then remain your responsibility
  • However, for comparison you may want to consider the cost in time, money, and frustration in waiting for an appointment if you go thru your insurance plan or current medical prescriber- IF you can even get an appointment!
  • Our unique approach to getting your prescription needs filled MORE CONVENIENTLY gives you

2 Choices:

  • Visit our Western Ave office for a traditional  in-person OFFICE appointment if available


  • A TELEPSYCH appointment that offers a TELEPHONE or VIDEO consultation right on your own Smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to access our prescriber etc. This way you can discuss your medication at any time and whenever it is convenient for you to do so – even from home if you wish to. (For those who do not wish to use online video, your appointment may also be done by TELEPHONE).

While in our MEDICATION PROGRAM you must agree to remain in office treatment with  the Adv Nurse Practitioner or one of our IN-OFFICE STAFF for a MINIMUM of 5  sessions in a 12 month period to continue to address any symptoms and treatment goals while on medication, or to help you reduce or phase out meds if that is your preference. This will generally be the same staff person who “sponsored” or recommended you for the meds evaluation.

If you are  interested, your first step will be to discuss the plan with your current  IN-OFFICE STAFF person, WHO IS:

What is your current therapist’s name?_________________________ (we suggest having this therapist’s business card with you for the first appt.)

You will need to complete certain INTAKE PAPERS

to begin the program, BUT if you are already a client at The Psychology Center, Inc (or were recently) you will probably have already done this paperwork.

Client signature(s) and agreement:




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